John J. Thompson

Email: JJT at GyroscopeArts dot com

John J. Thompson is the president of Gyroscope Arts Inc., a service, consulting and production company serving Christian businesses and ministries. He is also a pastor at The Warehouse Church ( and is working to launch a national network of artist chaplains ( For more information visit His band, The Wayside, has multiple CDs released and a favorite at the annual Cornerstone Festival.

John’s additional info taken from his “near death” newsletter of May, 2006:

I missed the big Gospel Music Week in Nashville for only the second time in eighteen years, but by the next week I was able to keep my speaking dates (Shadows of the Supernatural) in New Jersey. I was able to present the evangelistic seminar seven times in four days… all but one of them at secular colleges and universities. The week after that I was back down in Nashville trying to catch up. Interestingly, my company, Gyroscope Arts is really taking off right now. The children’s record I have been working on is finally being released this October through Gotee / EMI, I just took over the position of Ad Sales Director for HM Magazine ( and my work with Cornerstone is really taking off. I also wrote the cover story of the April issue of CCM Magazine, and I’m currently considering a couple new production jobs. Basically, the timing of this little health fiasco could not have been worse, but I am sensing the hand of God even in that. Just as we were about to turn the corner financially, we took what will likely be close to a $10,000 hit. We are sure glad we have somehow held on to our health insurance as we would really be in a fix if not.

So now we are in re-building mode, working hard, enjoying the spring and excited about what God has in store. That leads us to the future…

The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) asked us earlier this year if we would bring a version of our band to Holland in July to assist them with their All Europe Conference. It is a major retreat week for all of their missionary families in Europe. We will be leading worship every day, performing a concert or two, and working with the teens every day. This is an important time of encouragement, refreshing, teaching and support for people who spend their lives serving others. We are deeply honored to be invited, and are excited to put our gifts to work in service of the Kingdom. We admit, though, that in the practical realm it seems a bit odd to be committing to this kind of project when our own financial situation is far from solid. We believe, however, in giving out of weakness and need. Through the support of our family and friends God has provided the means for us to do this kind of missionary support work twice. We are confident that He will provide for our needs this time as well. If you are able to contribute financially to this project we would sure appreciate it. Donations can be made out to The Warehouse Church and sent to 308 East Galena Blvd, Aurora IL 60505 – and please write “Thompson Missions” in the memo. We’re expecting to need to raise about $6000. Feel free to be a part of the next miracle! If financial contributions aren’t an option for you, we would still truly appreciate your prayers. We know now, more than ever, that God answers prayers.