Rick Warzywak

Email: preacherrick at voyager dot net

Rick Warzywak is the facilitator of the Transformation Michigan organization. His mission statement is below. Their goal is to organize prayer 24/7×365 days a year throughout Michigan, county by county.



Connecting the Dots

Connecting the dots in one accord is the call! We are all the dots! Every county in Michigan has prayer pockets of people who feel this yearning within to see God move in a sudden way. They are already moving in our state to bring the body of Christ together in prayer/worship and praise. Each has been given nuggets of revelation from God’s treasury room of wisdom which is essentially drawing us together as one. His Holy Spirit is moving and connecting us with great favor in an accelerated way.

We will be able to connect intercessors; pastors; marketplace leaders; business people; governmental leaders and law enforcement; prayer organizations; Michigan Christian Focus streams across denominational lines; young and old with no racial divide.

Three Fold Cord of Worship/Prayer/Praise
Hymns – Contemporary – New Song

It is representative of 3 generations. The hymns of old – the contemporary – and the new spontaneous song are not to be divisive but instead unifying. There will be the 3 fold cord of worship/prayer/praise that God is using to rebuild the Tabernacle of David. Love is what will lubricate the joints of the body of Christ as we seek His face together.

Regional Future Meetings

Regional “Transformation Michigan” meetings will transpire across our state twice a year or more as God leads and opens doors. The gatherings will continue until the elections of 2008 – and then only the Lord will direct us. Where are the other locations? Prayer leaders in our state must determine this – it is out of my hands. Each region will take a unified ownership.

Statewide Transformation Gatherings

Our expectations and dreams constitute vision. Nothing is impossible with God. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The birthing of vision into a reality comes with expected conflict. It will be our overcoming faith where God will act in our behalf. After studying numerous revival beginnings in history it appears “praying in one accord” is foundational. A house divided cannot stand!

Psalm 133 and John 17 are banner proclamations for the day. How can it be done? Is it possible to draw the body of Christ together in a venue where suspicions; opportunism, competition; fears and past wounds as well as hurts can be set aside? The answer is yes and it is transpiring as this will be birthed in our state.

Is it possible to have prayer and state focus groups, government and marketplace leaders, as well as those who have a heart to pray, praise and worship the King gather as one? We have no choice but to move in faith to see God by His grace make this a reality.

Gatherings will transpire because of networking and connecting where the body of Christ will take ownership of the praise/prayer and worship meeting in their region. Can God literally visit us? The answer is yes! May we all recognize His visitation.

The next gathering which is in process will take place in October in a seat of governmental authority – Lansing, Michigan. We will obtain a site near the state capitol grounds. The elections will be upon us and we must petition the throne of God to continue to impact our society in such a way where righteousness will exalt this nation. EDITOR’S NOTE: due to logistics and opportunities the location turned out to be in the neighboring city of Kalamazoo.

Other Regional Locations

Other regional locations will come forth as the vision is to gather twice a year until the 2008 elections. God will arise people who have the same heart of “Transformation” for our state and they will take the lead. You may be that person as you read this! It will take a connecting of the dots and networking together of prayer pockets to be in one accord.

Where 2 or 3 are Gathered

Representation from each county of our state where people will sacrifice and make the time to be part is critical. God has placed us in an area to occupy where we are able to take authority and stand in the gap for the region where we live.

State of Michigan 24/7

We have seen prayer meetings manifest throughout history that took place 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Why not here and now in our state? Many throughout our state have this seed of vision within them. Some have attempted in the confines of their county to birth that seed of vision within already. Many challenges are faced in this endeavor and we walk away feeling at times that we have failed, yet the yearning and pull resides in our spirit. The 24/7 of praise, prayer and worship has transpired in parts of our nation. Let us connect the dots and network county by county throughout our state of Michigan. Let us bear each others burden and connect. Connect the Upper Peninsula to the Lower. Connect each county in our state with 2 hour blocks of prayer, praise and worship. Each county will have a delegated time that will alternate as weeks pass by. Could God move in one county where a 24/7 could spontaneously erupt and be sustained in that area? For with God nothing is impossible.

Increasing Vision and more Vision!

Now is the time! Can you see our universities connecting into this 24/7 praise, prayer and worship. I can and believe we are in a time of favor where this will materialize. See things as they are and not how they are not. Who will rise up? Can you imagine other states who could join county by county in these prayer and praise furnaces? Why not the Midwest? We can be encouragers and exhorters of one another. God is an enabler because of His grace and love for His church. Let us do our part. We serve a big God. Our prayers will be heard!

The Birthing

We have a hope that after Transformation Michigan 2006 in Traverse City on April 29th, a birthing place of this vision will manifest. It will bring the church together in unity and one accord. Even as you read this you may be stirred to be part.
