Wade Burleigh

Email: Hope at FirstCenturyMinistries dot org

Wade Burleigh, and his wife, Jennifer, have an amazingly effective, educational and highly entertaining traveling ministry. Read all about it below:

A First Century Craftsman and His Wife Present the Lessons of Christ’s Love

Powerfully entertaining and persuasive presentations using the highly effective teaching style of “Seeing is Believing”

Through live demonstrations and drama, Wade and Jennifer use a selection of “first century” style techniques, including: wood sculpting, blacksmithing, pottery, and more, to teach the love and lessons of Jesus Christ.

Your attention is locked onto Wade’s highly skilled artistic hands while Jennifer narrates the story. For example, in their presentation called “Crown of Thorns”, a cedar log is carved into a magnificent head of Jesus Christ right before your eyes.

That alone is a powerful presentation, but it gets better as the thorns are slowly pounded in. Wade sings, in his rich baritone voice, a heart wrenching song of how they represent each of our sins. It will leave it’s mark on your heart never to be forgotten. It moves crowds to repentance. It even has brought tears to the eyes of many. All ages are captivated by it.

Wade and Jennifer bring this raw biblical truth to your church or event using real live action. Complete with authentic first century props, displays, clothing, and sounds along with powerful live songs and music. Invite them to your next event for an unforgettable experience.

“For more information visit the First Century Ministries site today*

Wade Burleigh

Praise Reports by Wade Burleigh