Bill Latocki

Email: joy at praisetoys dot com

Kathy and I were drawn to praise early in our baby Christian lives. It was bond to happen because of my background of having a deep love for music and always being involved in bands. That caused me to pay close attention to the music ministries of churches and Christian events I attended.

At the second church we ever belonged to, and after only being their for a few months, I boldly and bravely brought my bag of percussion toys to a Sunday evening service. They had not had ANY “smacking, pounding & banging noise makers” in their services…yet. Something very good happened.

It was not long before we pieced together a make-shift drum set and within a few weeks the Sunday night services took off in attendance and a small, but real, REVIVAL had started!!! The evening service was gaining on and then passing the Sunday morning service attendance numbers! The pastors quickly decided to add the drums to the morning service and that praise & worship time developed into a much stronger, longer, more spiritual experience for all the congregation. I saw what God preferred. Only a couple of control freaks on the church board objected and, yet, somehow God won. We turned it up – spiritually and with extra decimals.

I did not know it then, but learned a few years later that I was being used by God and had a prophetic calling on my life. At the time I thought I was just pounding away and having fun while the congregation seemed to like it and happily joined along.

Then Kathy and I moved on to an upcoming, fast growing new prophetic church and I ended up in the music ministry. When my drums came into the service, combined with the entire music ministry team, it was like God was using the drums to throw a match into a can of gas. Seriously. It was just about that clear. He really loved the extended, free-flowing, innovative praise He was receiving and therefore much more was happening in the meetings. God showed up. The Holy Spirit moved on us. Many were delivered, healed, blessed and motivated. And a few cymbals and drum sticks got broken. Even though we lost a few members who were into routines, traditions, religion and ear plugs, we also noticed great growth in attendance. Most serious Christians just love to get into the creative groove with God and tell Him thanks and return His love.

It has been that way ever since. For over twenty five years at churches, conferences and conventions I have noticed music ministries ushering in powerful results with this form of higher praise and worship. It included all ages of people, too. I noticed God showing up and showing off more so in the meetings where we continually lifted Him up with anointed and improvised praise – praise that was done well, sincerely, and deep from the heart of real Jesus lovers.

Recently God made it very clear to Kathy and I to help teach others about the power of using praise to get into His presence and receive answers to our prayers and needs. He has told us to help Him prepare others for the tsunami of new believers that are soon coming into the Kingdom of God. Years ago He led us to do our own praise sessions every morning before we started our day. He has opened doors for me to perform drums or percussion for amazing ministries, churches and conferences. He has created divine connections and praise opportunities for me that are amazing. I have been extremely blessed by who I have been able to minister for and with.

God is so good. He has truly given me the desires of my heart… from a precious wife and ministry partner to plenty of drums and percussion toys and places and events to use them for His glory.

Now He clearly gave us the PraiseToys ministry. We are not looking back.
- Bill Latocki