Brought back to life in the midst of Praise Dancing!!!

One time, I was praising JESUS in the dance at Kim Clement’s meeting in Detroit, MI.

I danced with such power and authority that my heart started beating very, very fast, and hard. I started to have a heart attack or stroke, I laid down on the floor.

Then I saw a white bed, I was transferred to that bed. I saw JESUS, He started to move His hand around and around over my heart. I asked him, in my mind, “What are you doing?” He said, “You’ll be okay!” He started doing it again, I again asked Him, in my mind, “What are you doing?” He said, again, “You’ll be okay!”

I saw movement in white gowns, I thought, “Am I DEAD?” But just then, Hannah (one of KIm Clement’s worship leaders up on stage) said, “No, your not dead”. With that I got back up and started dancing, praising Jesus, I was healed!

Another time, when our church was moving, a table fell on my left foot, went to church, following day, the LORD told me to go “Dance”. Now, my foot was swollen very big, very sore, and black and blue. I said to the LORD JESUS, “Your kidding, right?” HE told me again, to “Dance” so I did.

I could feel like an electricity going down my body to my left foot. I started feeling healing taking place.

When church was over, my foot was better, but not completely better. He told me to stay off of it as much as possible at home.

The following Sunday, the LORD JESUS again told me to get up and “Dance” I did, I again felt healing power go to my left foot. By the time church was over, much swelling went down, (not all) still black and blue, but NO PAIN!

PRAISE JESUS! HE HEALS IN THE DANCE! There’s healing power in the “Dance to Praise Jesus” Hallejuhah! Our God, and HIS BELOVED SON, JESUS, REIGNS.

Diana Flores

Praise Report from Diana Flores (bio) - Sep 28 2006