Vision during praise: "The Light is My Power"

By Susan Brodowicz

When our praise group met this week one participant brought up that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” (II Corinthians 10:4 KJV)

This prompted prayer for the Middle East – and declaration that our praise is able to reach even to the other side of the world and help bring forth God’s Kingdom there.

During the praise session, Susan had the following vision which tied in with our opening discussion and prayer:

While Bill was beating out the rhythm, about 2/3 of the way through worship, I suddenly saw in my mind this man running. I could see his feet with sandals on them. He was running full out, arms pumping, hair blowing back from his face.

Another man came up along side of him, running as fast, with the same ease. They looked at each other and grinned then shouted. They leapt over these scrubby bushes, over rocks and ran uphill, never slowing down. I realized they were not even breathing heavily.

Then I was up above them, and as far as I could see, there were running men, running through a desert. I realized then that they were not men, but warrior angels. There were not 100, not 1000, but hundreds of thousands, all of them leaping over rocks, brush, and over mountains with no problem.

I looked ahead, and saw villages, like the ones you see in the desert in the Middle East. The warriors ran through the villages, leapt over walls and houses and kept running.

I noticed that over their shoulders they carried an unusual bow and had a quiver of arrows on their backs. As they were running through the desert and the villages, they would grab the bow, reach over their backs, and grab an arrow. But as the arrow came out of the quiver, the arrowhead would burst into a flaming light. They would aim into a building, or behind a rock, or in a cave and shoot the arrow. A bright, blinding light would erupt – not an explosion, but just a very bright light. The people there would fall down on their faces, stopping what they were doing.

A voice said, “You didn’t realize how many warriors I have, did you? And these are only a small part of my army. The light is My Power, the same Power that overcame Saul on the road to Damascus. And the Light will accomplish the same results in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Israel, and all other places where terrorists plot against Me.”


Susan Brodowicz

Praise Report from Susan Brodowicz (bio) - Mar 21 2007