Best experience I had in praise & worship

When I was at the Worship Conference at MorningStar I was asked what was the best experience I had in praise & worship.  My response was:  The best times I have are with my instrument (piano) praising the Lord with the song He has put in my heart.  I feel  the presence of God so close to me.  It is very personal when I praise & worhip alone with the King.  One day I was sitting at the piano, which sits in front of a window that looks out into the beautiful field with woods behind.  I was singing to the Lord and two birds came and perched on a post outside the window.  They were facing me.  They perched there for quit a while.   God spoke to me and said ”How beautiful is your praise to Me!”   How awsome is that.!!  I was able to share this experience with my husband (who is a pre-believer) and I know he was touched. This is what prasie and worship does in the Kingdom of God.  
Also, the Lord has given me a song while I was praising watching a DVD of corporate praise and worship!!  I wasn’t even in the physical presense of the people!  I feel the praise of others is contagious and when it is ignited in one true worshiper, it spreads to others!!!

I love you guys,
Praise to the King,

Bonny Livernois

Praise Report from Bonny Livernois (bio) - Apr 2 2006