Blazing Altars

Have you ever wondered why the Church in your region lacks the glory, the signs and wonders, the fiery zeal, and the boldness of the New Testament? I sure have!

Unless we admit, confess, and repent of our lukewarmness, how can we go forward? We must stop making excuses and start looking at solutions. I believe that the biblical foundation for true revival is the only solution: persistent united prayer, praise and worship!

The command given in Leviticus 6:12a is eye opening indeed! “And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out.” Why did the Lord require a persistent fire on the altar? I believe that part of the answer is that He was pointing to the eternal truth of the blazing altar in the heavens.

We are certain of what the writer of Hebrews declares, “We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.” And “there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things… ” So if the copy and shadow of the true tabernacle in heaven had a persistent fire, how much more the real?

Let us look at another snapshot of heaven. “Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song…(Rev 5:8+9a).” Awesome indeed! Understand first that these four living creatures have a persistent night and day ministry forever! Harps are musical. Add to this recipe unity because they join the 24 elders by bowing down in worship. The incense is prayer. Then the heavenly recipe adds singing, or praise!

This is the recipe that brings the fullness of His Presence. The Lord taught us to pray “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” When we use this glorious pattern in Revelation Chapter 5, His will is being done on Earth as it is in heaven! I can think of no greater way to provide a landing strip for God’s Holy Presence.

When you read the Psalms you find many different types of prayers, praise, and worship. Most of these Psalms were birthed during the glorious golden age of the Davidic Kingdom. David had set up a persistent united prayer, praise and worship environment. He started it in a tent, and it continued in the temple after Solomon built it according to God’s plan. David used the Levitical musicians and singers for this majestic triumphant worship. How much more glorious will this be as we enter into this dynamic after the order of Melchizedek. We are all a royal priesthood and we are after the order of Melchizedek.

So gather together some musicians, intercessors, and singers. Come together in unity before the Throne of God on a persistent basis and you can change the atmosphere over your region.

Remember that the Lord has started many different harp & bowl groups all over the planet. Join this great chorus right away. He is coming back for a glorious Bride indeed. Let us ignite our BLAZING ALTARS at once!

Hal Leath

By Hal Leath (bio)

May we highly recommend:

Hal Leath

UNTIL – Love Songs & Worship
© 2005 Hal Leath

Contemporary Christian Worship with a new unique sound. Passionate Worship with original new songs. New upcoming artists with a fresh style.

Hal’s CD, titled “Until”, was named in “Ten Independent Artists You Should Know” (Fall 2005) by Russ Breimeier at Christianity Today magazine!!!

“Until” was in ”...a list of the ten best of hundreds of albums sent to us (Christianity Today) in the last year”.

Christianity Today’s Russ Breimeier also stated: ”...The album is spearheaded by Hal Leath, a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Grand Rapids, Michigan with a voice similar to Rick Elias, Tommy Walker, and Five for Fighting’s John Ondrasik.

Joined by a talented team of local musicians and vocalists, he’s crafted an album that’s relatively varied for quiet and reflective inspirational pop.

“Until Your Day Breaks” is a beautiful piano and strings ballad, Carla Moore’s smooth and silky vocal carries the jazzy “Arise My Love,” and “To Touch Your Face” makes an effective praise chorus similar to “More Love, More Power.” ”...Until is more soothing, engaging, and original than other bigger budget worship projects.”

To get a copy of “Until” go to Hal’s web site It is also available in many digital download formats online such as: iTunes, Bitmunk, Ruckus, Sony Connect, MP3tunes, MSN Music,...and many more!

UNTILProduced, Recorded, & Mixed by Hal Leath at Light of the World Studios, Kentwood, Michigan.