Prophetic promise flows through a saxophone.

Intercessors have been standing in the gap and believing for a move of God in Jackson, Michigan for many years. We wait on the Lord and occupy until He comes! There have been signs of stirrings and we continue to declare the victory of our God.

During our spontaneous praise gathering this prophetic word came forth from Karen Rhoden as Pastor Dick Blank played a gentle melody on his saxophone:

Interpretation of the prophecy played through the sax:

Within the song there’s a song that’s being played – it’s called “The Song that Things are Already Established”. It’s not that the plan is for the future, but that the plan is already being established now and the song expresses that – expresses that it’s already being established in this city, it’s already a thing that has come to pass, it’s not for the future, it’s established NOW!

Then Karen concluded with this prayer:

We thank You for the establishment of all Your promises for all Your people here. We thank You for the establishment of all Your promises for this city. We thank You for the establishment of all Your promises concerning the region, Lord, because we know that You’ve promised a place of vitality, a place of life, a place for the gifts, a place for the prophetic, a place for life and it’s already established. It’s not a promise for the future – it’s the song that it’s already established; it feels complete inside, it feels like it is done! My heart is just thrilled – it’s done! Moving on our behalf, moving on the city’s behalf, it’s a done deal. You’ve established it. No more war – it’s all for joy, it’s all for joy. We see fruit already, we sense in our spirits – it’s a done deal.