Seeking God’s presence requires serious preparation

A Sailing Parable By Dianne Sarvello

Several years ago, I owned a 16 foot Sidewinder sailboat, which I enjoyed sailing on a small inland lake in Michigan. I purchased the boat during a difficult time in my life – my father had recently passed away and my newly wed husband was serving in Viet Nam. Thus, my mother and I began to learn the art of sailing.

This sailboat had a mainsail and a jib sail, and the low sides allowed lots of splash to wash over and through the boat. So one of the first things I learned to operate was the bailer – which allowed us to get rid of the extra water. In sailing the boat, I learned a great deal about balance and discernment. It is possible to sail this boat with just the main sail loosely adjusted for a broad reach where little adjustment is needed. In this mode, you will advance the sailboat at a leisurely, mostly stress-free pace. This is not the way I enjoy sailing! Therefore, I needed to learn to adjust the mainsail and the jib to create the correct dynamics for close reaching. In other words, I liked to sail on the edge.

My sailboat had an adjustable centerboard and hiking straps on both outer sides. When the tiller extension was in use, I could have my backside over the edge of the boat where balancing adjustments had to be constantly made. This became my favorite way to sail! When everything was properly adjusted, the centerboard would start to hum and the bailer would be sucking all the excess water out of the boat.

Learning to observe the wind patterns and changes became essential if I didn’t want to spend all my time in the water righting the boat! Never before were my senses so attuned to so many different dynamics. Sails had to be adjusted, the tiller needed to redirect the course, and a delicate balance had to be maintained. However, when all these things were going well, there was no greater thrill in sailing. The waves splashed over the bow, the wind brushed my face, and my muscles strained to keep everything under control.

In our small lake, these adjustments never lasted too long because the approaching shoreline would all too soon demand action. So we would come-about and readjust and fly with the wind in a new direction. My mother and I spent countless hours howling with laughter as we crisscrossed the waters.

Recently I was experiencing a frustrating time with the Lord. I wanted more of His Presence in my life. I was crying out to Him and asking why I was not satisfied with just a hint of His Holy Spirit. That was when God reminded me of my love for sailing. I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me, “How do you like to sail?” That was easy for me to answer: I like to sail on the edge! He then reminded me of what that involved in sailing. So I share these thoughts with you now. Seeking God’s presence requires serious preparation. Through repentance, I am able to strive for a holier, more righteous life before the Lord. Just as I had to prepare the boat and learn how to operate the bailer to get out the excess water, I have to get the excess sin out of my life. There were many sailing terms that I needed to understand so I read sailing manuals and instruction guides. Spiritually, I need to read God’s Word to know His thoughts and His commands for living a holy life. Then came the actual practice of sailing the boat myself. Entering God’s presence is also an individual endeavor. We enjoy corporate worship and experience His nearness, but I want more. I want to know all that He has for me – to do, to be, to share.

Discernment is a major part of operating in the Spirit. I have to hear His voice, to sense His needs, to obey His leadings. Funny how I learned to sail better when I became aware of the sound, direction and changing aspects of the wind; when I learned to adjust my sails to maximize my speed; when I determined it was time to change directions! God is so faithful to teach us in ways that we can understand. So instead of whining and complaining that I don’t have enough of God, I am adjusting my sails. I am learning His ways. I want to clearly hear His voice. I want to obey His desires and directions for my life. Therefore, I am committed to becoming a skilled worshiper, a dedicated pray warrior, and a submitted servant of God. Anyone up for sailing?

Chapter 2

During our prayer and fasting worship service on February 21, 2000, I felt that God was speaking to me using my love for sailing. At that particular moment, I had been struggling with my personal walk with the Lord. He was making me aware of things in my life that were not pleasing to Him, and I was trying to allow my heart to be circumcised in new ways.

I felt that God said I was becalmed in my boat. Now in the natural, I hate when the wind dies down unexpectedly, and it becomes almost impossible to move the boat. I have been known to jump overboard at such times and swim to shore. God said this was not a time to jump overboard! I have been known to grab a make-shift paddle and attempt to maneuver to the nearest shore. God said it was not time to do my own paddling. I also have attempted sculling the boat using the rudder to very slowly propel the boat forward. God said it was not the time for sculling. Rather it was a time for me to abide in His presence – to remain still and to seek His face. He stated that He would whisper secrets to me in the stillness if I would only listen. He reminded me that I was in His boat at His choosing. He chose me to sail with Him, and He has my course completely plotted out. It was time to keep my eyes on the destination – to keep my hands and heart surrendered to Him.

He promised me that if I would simply wait on His timing, that just as the natural wind will eventually begin to blow again, He has a new wind coming. This will be a fresh wind, like nothing I have ever seen. It will blow stronger and more powerfully than anything I have experienced.

Wow! What a promise! I will abide. I will wait on my Lord. I will worship Him in the calmness and stillness. I will listen to His Word. I trust Him to select the correct direction for me, believe with all my heart that He has my best interests in mind, and that He alone is capable of making things happen. Thank You, precious Lord. You are the awesome God!