The Sound of the Lord

The creation is calling, and now the Church is beginning to echo the very same call. The deep groans of creation are being joined by the release of the sound of the Lord. It is not the sound of a person; it is the sound of many people revealing the glory of the Lord. It is the sound of the voice of the Lord and the sound of many waters; heard only in part—like a distant echo, it is coming to fullness and drawing nearer. It will touch every nation, and no group of people will escape its influence.

The Sound of Glory

The knowledge of the glory of God is the invisible power center of the Kingdom of God. It is a literal substance carrying and communicating the life of God wherever it goes, and, is in fact, synonymous with it. Everything we do in worship and ministry is about imparting and releasing the glory of God to others. Eventually the climactic moment of the Kingdom of God will see this commodity cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The question is, “What does it look like, and what does it sound like?”

At this time in particular, our hearts are being drawn to the sound of the Lord. Jesus said, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) The wind is known by its sound, and by its effect. Whenever the Spirit moves there is a spiritual sound coming from the spirit realm. When David was going to war against the Philistines, he was instructed to wait for a sound in the tops of the mulberry trees. In Elisha’s day, the Syrians were made to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses—the noise of a great army—which caused them to flee in confusion. It reminds me of the words of a song that spoke of “the sound of the Lord when His enemies flee”. Likewise, the sound of the Lord draws near to the nations. When it manifests from the midst of the people of God, our enemies will flee and the rule of God will unfold.

Today the believing community is growing in its ability to extend and administrate this rule. Or in other words, we are growing in our capacity to release His sound. More and more clarity is emerging, helping us define what it is to walk in the authority of the Spirit. We have begun to understand it is not a matter of formulas, nor is it a matter of “correct words”, but it is a spiritual sound aligning with the heart and nature of the “Yahweh”. “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20) To declare Jesus, whom Paul preaches, will not get the desired results. Rather, it is about revealing spiritual thoughts with spiritual words, as the Spirit leads us. In many ways, we are looking to do what is already being done in creation—which is speaking and groaning!

Sounds of Creation

In the following passage, we see the activity of creation with respect to sound. “And we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” (Romans 8:22-23)

The creation is releasing a groan, which is not a word but the sound of a spiritual birth. This sound is echoed in us as we yearn for the revelation of the glory of God. We are like instruments that resonate with the sound coming from heaven—the approaching rule of the King of Kings. But spiritual sound is not random indefinite noise. Rather, it speaks with an intelligence not registered by the natural mind of men. The sound of the Lord in creation is not a clanging symbol without purpose and design. It is a sound which speaks and reveals knowledge to those with ears to hear. Now it should be no surprise God would clothe His mystery in sound. The very foundations of the universes are built with sound. In the beginning God spoke! It was through sound that the stars and the expanse of Heaven came into being. Even so, God speaks again, through creation and through redeemed man.

Consider these verses!

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.” (Psalms 19:1-4a)

“Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.” Moment by moment and day by day the revelation of the Lord is heard through the declaration of the Heavens. Not only that—but their sound touches every nation and culture. “There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.” The revelation of God is preceding us by beginning from the mountains and hills, which clap their hands. But the capstone of this revelation comes in verse 4—”Their line has gone out through all the earth.” In secret, beyond the ears of natural man and the hearing of principalities and powers, the revelation of God emanates throughout the known universe. This sound is actually the line of the Lord preparing the way and literally measuring the earth for construction.

Lay Lines

The word “line” has been translated as “sound”. Both words, line and sound, are significant and strategic in their meaning. For in essence, they both relate to the building process. The Word of God is a plumb line. A plumb line is defined as, “a line with a weight attached to verify true vertical alignment”. It is a tool for measuring in order to evaluate what is built, or a measure by which one can begin to build. The Word of God becomes a plumb line for appraising us and provides a reference point for all we do in the kingdom. When God speaks, something of “who He is” is unveiled, releasing the desired measure. As such, the sound of the knowledge of God is a plumb line for establishing what is synonymous to Heaven.

Sound is a chief ingredient in the things God builds. When He builds, He does not use brick and mortar, He uses sound. Again, sound was used to assemble the creation. “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) It has even been speculated the core component of matter is something akin to sound. Today, when God builds, He continues to do so using sound. When He determines to do something, He begins by “calling those things which are not as though they were.” Thus, sound is instrumental in revealing the glory of God.

It is important to distinguish that we are not speaking only of language, that is, words and phrases. These are organized to speak to the intellect of man. Rather, spiritual sound only becomes words and phrases in its final form. This is why one can prophesy on the drums and why musicians understand that instruments speak, though they never use words. If we are to receive and function with God, who is spirit, we must appreciate the way in which He speaks.

Sound Technologies—Spiritual Realities

Today more than at any other time, we should understand the abilities of sound. Besides the fact some physicists theorize sound to be a primary building block in the creation, we have an invention of peculiar interest called a fax machine. If you had answered your telephone thirty years ago and heard a combination of hissing, static noise, and electronic beeps, you would have been convinced your line was broken.

Today we instinctively know someone is trying to send us a message. The technology tells us that this seemingly random chaos of static noise is actually highly organized information and knowledge. Imagine trying to explain it to someone before the invention of the facsimile—”One day we are going to take written pages complete with text and graphics feed it into a machine and turn it into sound. The sound will not be words and phrases but unintelligible noise. That sound will pass through wires or through the air. It will then be heard by a machine, clear on the other side of the planet. Then, the machine will decipher the sound, and it will be turned back into legible text and graphics.”

Fifty years ago, this kind of talk would have caused most people to think we were out of our minds, while today it is common. In the same way, the Spirit of God is using sound to establish the Kingdom of God. We know it is the manifestation of Christ, which destroys the works of darkness (1 John 3:8). We also know the Church is being built by things which are revealed from Heaven. Jesus taught us to pray for earth to manifest what is already in Heaven. How is it to be done? God will use spiritual sound—sound that will be unintelligible to spiritual wickedness and hidden from man’s natural mind.

The Sound of the Plumb Line

There is something about the sound of the Lord that brings order. It is a plumb line that makes every other command and authority seem pointless and insignificant. When soldiers were sent to arrest Jesus, they returned without Him. Their response was, “No one had ever spoken like this before.” The sound of true authority is more powerful than that which would try to arrest it. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness is not able to overcome it. (John 1:5) When the sound of Heaven comes, it instinctively trumps every other sound.

Today, the lines of God’s spiritual government are falling. Like a surveyor drawing boundaries and establishing borders, they will ultimately give way to form. God’s lay lines are dropping from Heaven. Let us say together, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.” (Psalms 16:6)

By Marc Brisebois
info at watchman dot ca