Her sacrifice of praise produced "electricity" in me.

by Lynn Potter

As a minister to women in the York County Detention Center for many years now, I have seen and heard many astounding things and experienced a smorgasboard of stories. This one changed my life as I experienced in a real way the power of God inhabiting the sacrificial praise of a young lady.

I had gone into minister in the block one day and the girls asked me if I had heard about “Kelly” I said, no, what’s going on? They told me that she had found out that her boyfriend had been found dead with his hands tied behind him and something wrapped around his throat.

The day I was in ministering was his funeral and she was not permitted to leave to go. Kelly was a young lady who had been saved in the jail only about 3 months.

This is a time when your best prayer is “Father help!’. I decided to go out to her bunk, (about 35 feet from the room) leaving the other ladies in the room praying for Kelly.

Simply, I just told her how sorry I was and held her hand for a brief few moments and went back into the meeting room. We continued to pray and lift Kelly up and began to worship.

The next thing, I hear is the door to the room opening. Here comes Kelly inside making that long walk from her bed to the room and she sat down.

We continued to worship as a group and as I looked up my eyes saw Kelly’s feeble arm as she was raising it in praise!! The moment I saw her arm raised to God, that sacrifice of praise from a new Christian “babe” in such pain, ELECTRICITY shot into my body from her hand into my fingertips and up my arm. I nearly went to the floor as my legs turned to water.

From that strong physical evidence I knew at once this sacrifice of praise reached the Father’s heart and He responded in manifested joy!


Lynn Potter

Praise Report from Lynn Potter (bio) - Jun 13 2006